The Space Between
Using the mundane to illuminate the transcendant.
What are we referring to by the “Net” in Without a Net?
It is our network of stored impressions of the mind—the stories and self-images that make up our limited sense of self. Let’s compare the chainlink fence to the net:
This is how most of us perceive all the time.
Reality (in this case the background) is always here, but we are unconsciously focused on what we think about reality. We see our interpretations about life as solid, real, and true.
Our attachment to these beliefs are why things trigger us, why we have low level angst, why we have frustrations and annoyances. It’s unpleasant to see the world play out in a way that goes up against our heavily ingrained opinions and convictions.
A little more focus on reality, and our vision is still obstructed by the Net, but have a more versatile perspective. This happens in painting class or meditation, or when we’re encountering a new place. Our judgements are suspended for a bit, and we get a glimpse of direct experience.
Our angst and frustrations are on hold. It feels freeing enough that we might want to spend more time here!
Our goal is to slip into the liminal space between our beliefs and judgments. We recognize the Net and give it credit for keeping us alive. And we practice with our bodies and non-verbal capacities to experience reality without the net.
That’s where we encounter direct experience. It’s better than you can imagine.
The Without a Net Course is a comprehensive guided program of self-reflection that leads to true seeing.