Not Necessarily

I’ve never found two people who interpreted the meaning of my paintings (or cards) the same way. And when a person sees the painting for a second time, they often find their interpretation has changed from the last time they looked at it. Our perceptions vary depending on who we are and then, on where we are in that moment. Our thoughts and feelings on anything are not set in stone.

There is great freedom in grasping and living from a place of knowing how transient our surface perceptions are. If we comprehended and embraced them as the fleeting phenomena that they are, we wouldn’t be limited by what happens when they take hold as “reality.”

Because my work does not represent archetypes, there is no set way to read them. I find incredible pleasure hearing the unlimited perspectives of people who see my paintings or cards.

Here is an interesting interpretation I heard today from someone I’ll call Joan who encountered the above painting.

“I think this is how my husband sees me. I’m fancy, but I’ll get you. I’m an unsafe companion. I’ll bite. I like things just so, like the decorations on the dress. That’s my way of keeping my shit together. The collar is pointy and imposing, just like the things that might come out of my mouth. It’s always in defense mode.”

After seeing such a strong, sharp view of herself, we will explore at another time whether Joan can see a side of this image that reveals more positive traits. But it’s important not to forget that no way of seeing is wrong or negative. Her take is valid, and very good information for being open to change.


Forgot For Which She Toiled


My Tatter’d Loving