Can’t Keep a Secret

This painting was a character in one of my middle-of-the-night big ideas for the Without a Net program. You’ll see. Later.

I’m so close to revealing the first part of the Without a Net Program! It’s called the Foundation Course, a free introduction to the bigger Without a Net Course. Honestly, the whole project is so comprehensive it’s been hard to even tell people what it’s about. But I’m finally close to having something to show that pulls together all the years of thinking and creating and organizing. I wanted to throw it all in the bushes and set fire to it a hundred times, as is typical with big creative projects, but it kept at me, nudging me and tugging at my hem.

I have no desire to write a post about all the wisdom I’ve gained from the creative process, but this has been a doozy of a learning evolution. What have I gained most from it? Blind trust. If it hadn’t revealed itself with such regularity and in so many Ah Ha, middle-of-the-night flashes I would have walked off the set. But it kept coming at me serendipitously, tenaciously, and mysteriously. I gave in, over and over, and now it’s poking it’s head out from under the covers.

I teach bits of art history in my painting classes at Red Dot Gallery. My students can’t believe how many of the famous artists I show them, the most famous ones that walked the Earth, died in poverty and obscurity. It’s a great lesson for me as I get ready to launch my baby creation into the world. Audiences are fickle. Who’s to say my work might not be recognized for another 500 years like so many my students learn about? I’ve used this reminder as I trudge on through the making, letting any appreciation of it (besides me) be up to the Gods.

It’s almost here, so hold on another minute or week or two, and I’ll show you what I’ve been working on.


But Here’s the Joy


Notes from a Peace Conference